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Sunday, August 7, 2016

Deadlines - Reprinted with Permission

Having deadlines always makes me nervous. I know the deadlines are of my own making for the most part, but having to have every little piece completed and ready to go by a specific date in time just plain stresses me out. I don't know if I feel as if I can't do it or what, but getting all of the stuff coordinated at the same time is difficult for me somehow.


At the same time, if I don't have deadlines, then I never seem to get anything done. So then I'm left with a specific NEED to make deadlines for myself.


Someone once suggested to me that I make deadlines for each little piece of the puzzle. I have deadlines for a lot of the things I need to do, but let's use my new book as an example. I should have a primary deadline for getting the first draft to the editor, a deadline for the second draft, a deadline for the cover art, and then a deadline for the Kindle manuscript. Maybe that will work, but I would just feel a little overwhelmed trying to keep track of all of those dates.


If you have any tactic you use to get stuff done and keep from getting stressed please share with a comment!

J.M. Hope

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