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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Post-Disney Wonderings

Having traveled to Disney twice this year and planning to go one more time later on, I have had a lot of interesting thoughts running through my head concerning the theme parks and the company itself. Namely, those people who try to de-throne Disney by "exposing" them and all of the "horrible" things that go on back stage. Disney isn't stupid... Walt himself was absolutely not stupid! They know that there are awful things in the world, but the entire point of Disney is to provide a place for children to safely drop any possible worries about those things and just unwind. And their parents, too! But we really have to realize that it's all about the kids at Disney, and they aren't parading around pretending like they are better than everyone else, they are very up front about the fact that they are creating this illusion of what it would be like to live in the happiest place on earth. And it's so cool!

Then there are those who want to focus on the stringent employment conditions of the Disney cast members. When you audition for the Disney cast, though, you have to realize that you are auditioning to play a part, to play a very specific role that has already been defined for ages in movies, television, games, and the parks themselves. If you have a face tattoo then you aren't going to look the part to play a Disney princess because none of them have face tattoos. Disney isn't saying that all face tattoos are the work of the devil, just that you have to look the part you are applying for. And you have to keep in mind how many hundreds of thousands of people audition for Disney parts EVERY YEAR!! There is basically an endless supply of understudies ready to step up if someone in the cast isn't pulling their weight. It's not something that Disney keeps secret, but they don't flaunt it either, because what would be the point?

Honestly, I think they are doing a good job with what they've got to work with - which is a world full of harsh realities and tough decisions. They didn't get to be the social crown jewel that they are by being stupid. If more people stopped obsessing over the tiny details and looked at the bigger picture of what is going on, maybe we could work toward a brighter future instead of wasting all of our time being petty. America was supposed to be the land of the free, raising up some of the greatest leaders this world has ever seen. Instead we have let politics and money get in our way; as is the habit of any human who allows themselves to be guided by their faculties instead of letting their conscience be their guide!

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