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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Where can I buy flags and rifles and stuff?

I'm kind of surprised that I get this question at all, considering I am sent three of every guard catalog every season, plus countless dance catalogs, and I'm constantly having to unsubscribe myself from e-mail lists of guard and dance equipment companies. Here are some websites where you can order stuff:

American Band Accessories - These guys are practically local to us and are the NICEST sales people on the planet! If I could buy every single piece of equipment from them for all of my guard things I would.

McCormick's Enterprises - If ABA doesn't have it, then these guys definitely will. They also have the easiest and best virtual flag designer on the entire internet. Plus, they will match prices if you see the same stuff advertised elsewhere for less!

Designs by King - Hands-down BEST weapons on the market! However, hands-down WORST website on the market. If you can buy their products though other companies (like ABA or McCormick's), you definitely should, because navigating this website is like going on a trip back to the early-2000's and getting an assignment to create a website in your 10th-grade Microsoft Publisher class.

Band Shoppe - Home of the Airblade. 'Nuff said.

FJM Inc - They're one of the oldest companies in the business, and they are still family run so that's pretty cool. However, their prices aren't always competitive so I tend to avoid them if at all possible.

Hopefully that is enough to get you all started! Put your e-mail address out there and maybe even your mailing address if you want to get a catalog in the mail too. Happy equipment shopping!

<3 Jackie

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